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See the advantages

Consistent material costs, consistence quality, greater strength, more design flexibility and ease of Installation are just a few advantages of light-gauge steel. In addition to these, MONGOL ELS® has many advantages over traditional building methods:

Feature MONGOL ELS Wood Systems Block/Concrete
Strongest strength-to-weight ratio for building material Yes! No! No!
Stops fire & flame spread Yes! No! No!
Can be framed in all weather Yes! Yes! No!
Minimal job-site waste Yes! No! Yes!
Accelerated building schedule with panelization Yes! Yes! No!
Not susceptible to mold and termites Yes! No! Yes!
Can be framed over four stories Yes! No! Yes!
Lightest foundation requirements Yes! No! No!
Longer spans, allowing a more open design Yes! No! Yes!
Reduced insurance costs for non-combustibility Yes! No! Yes!
Can be erected quickly to generate revenue faster Yes! Yes! No!
Single sourced which drives schedule Yes! Yes! No!
Fewer Call Backs with less Maintenance Costs Yes! No! Yes!
Longer life span Yes! No! Yes!

Contact us


Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar, Bayangol district, 20 khoroo, Erchim khuch street, TETS-4 leftward, 'MONGOL ELS' LLC
976-94092994, 976-89011670

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